Sunday, October 19, 2008


more than just writing

Respect begets respect and excuses are just for the weak. we should all take responsibility to all our actions and words. Words are not just meant to be spoken and written eloquently but to honor them as well. What’s a man with articulation if without a word of honor? We can’t just drop them and go then pretend we didn’t said anything. You can fool a millions of your readers but to fool yourself is absurd.

Lucky are those who can see beyond other people’s feelings not just because they’re family, friends and colleagues but merely because they are human. Fortunate are those who can read yet clearly see what the other person is conveying and blessed are those who can accept their weaknesses and shortcomings regardless of their social stature. We all expect our children to be responsible even at the age of 7, so how much more for a 30 year old?

But i don’t have time to distinguish between the unfortunate and the INCOMPETENT…just be RESPONSIBLE!


Anonymous said...

next time don't give your work to someone who pretends to be writers and journalist. they can't pay you cash nor did they pay you respect! but its okay they can vent and cry and wail all they want. you're on the side of the truth while they're on their literary script.their not professionals so don't expect them to be competent. their savages out to assassin the characters of those who opposes their cult. afterall, they are veteran bloggers than you are. keep writing your journey for your self satisfaction, to inspire others would be just a bonus!
hold your head up high traveler! you've got nothing to be ashamed of.

" dom lee "