Friday, October 3, 2008

last resort...

tower of strength

" Is praying like magic, mommy? " my eldest son asked me. I was a bit stunned i don't know if its because of the question or more of the answer. Some of us often look at prayer like some kind of a magic indeed, right? We tell God what we want and how we want it, when we want it and why we want it hoping He will do just exactly as He have been told through our prayers. Then we received it and when our prayers are granted we sometimes forget how to say "thank you". I myself is guilty of that.

Many of us pray as if God were a big aspirin pill, we come only when we are hurt. Prayer is not some sort of magic as well no matter how magical it seems to be. Major truth is most of us pray and remember to pray only when we are wounded, sad, in pain, in the dark, lost and in other negative feelings. Although the bible says it is good for in praying and talking to God will give us the peace that only Him can provide, it also helps that we remember Him, His goodness and love even when the sun is shining so bright for us.

I personally view praying as a way of conversing or really talking to God. Not just saying a memorized verse or prayers just so they were called "prayer". Praying is the time when I shed all my inhibitions away and lock my pretensions somewhere else. Bare and naked I open myself up and let every thoughts flow out of me. Let Him know what and how i feel regardless if its positive or not. God knows all our needs, our pains and our sufferings. But just like any other parent or confidant, He feels good when we approached Him and trust Him all our burdens. When we allow Him to be the Captain to run our ship rather than let God see how we run it and how we ruined it on our own. Then when our ship is about to sink-- that's when we call God for help or SOS.

Let us take time out to be silent so we can hear our hearts and our minds. Prayer also includes thanksgiving and praises not just asking for things to happen on our time like magic. Because what God wants for us is even better than any magical dreams we ever had. Prayer is not merely an occasional impulse to which we respond when we are in trouble; prayer is a life attitude so let's not make it our...LAST RESORT.


Daniel John said...

Amen...guilty as charged! eye opening post.